The Problem
Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator so it tracks posts and publication dates to produce the static content.
The naming convention for post files is important, and must follow the
So each time you create a new post you have to follow these convention.
In addition to this every post has a YAML front matter block
which is processed by Jekyll and contains predefined and custom variables.
Hence we have to automate these two things:
The solution
I chose Thor for this job as it is a very simple but powerful tool.
In my research I have rejected two other solutions
if you have a Gemfile add the following gems
gem 'thor'
gem 'stringex'
and run bundle isntall
if you do not have a gemfile just (sudo if required
) install the two gems
gem install thor
gem install stringex
Now create a post.thor
file in the root directory of the your Jekyll project with the following contents:
require "stringex"
require "thor"
class Post < Thor
desc "new TITLE", "Create a new post"
method_option :date, aliases: "-d",
desc: "Change the current time to the value provided"
method_option :category, aliases: "-c",
default: "General",
type: :string,
desc: "Add the post's category, default 'General'"
method_option :tags, aliases: "-t",
type: :string,
desc: "Add post tags, comma-separated string"
def new(*title)
title = title.join(" ")
category = options[:category]
# fomat tags in the way you want them to be displayed
tags = options[:tags].gsub(/\W+/, " - ") if options[:tags]
filename = "_posts/#{category.downcase}/#{options[:date]}-#{title.to_url}.md"
if File.exist?(filename)
abort("#{filename} already exists!")
puts "Creating new post: #{filename}"
open(filename, 'w') do |post|
post.puts "---"
post.puts "layout: post_layout"
post.puts "title: \"#{title.gsub(/&/,'&')}\""
post.puts "avatar:"
post.puts "category: #{category}"
post.puts "tags: #{tags}"
post.puts "path: posts"
post.puts "---"
# opens the md file in your default editor
system ("#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{filename}")
puts "New post created: #{filename}"
Once you have this created, you can run thor list
from the command line and you should see the following output:
thor post:new TITLE # Create a new post
In this example, the method_options
have been supplied with several parameters.
The first parameter is the full name of the option, this is translated into a – option on the command line.
The second is the alias option to provide a short version of this option.
The last one is the desc
parameter which adds a description for the option,when printing out the full usage for a command.
for example:
If you run thor post:help new
you should see the following output:
thor post:new TITLE
-d, [--date=DATE] # Change the current time to the value provided
# Default: 2014-10-16 *the current date*
-c, [--category=CATEGORY] # Add the post's category
# Default: General
-t, [--tags=TAGS] # Add post tags, comma-separated string
Create a new post
So that command to generate this post was:
thor post:new Automatically create jekyll posts with Thor -c Programming -t "Programming, Jekyll, Thor, Ruby, Automation"
which creates the file _posts/
and opens it in your default editor (printenv | grep EDITOR
You can create an executable file in the current directory and start the simple CLI with a call to Post.start(ARGV)
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require './post'
trap('SIGINT') do
puts "\nInterrupt received exiting..."
In this configuration, which can be useful in some cases
you have to change the main script to .rb
To execute the post task you have to run
ruby create_post new TITLE, [Options]
Future work
In a future post I’ll be writing how I have automated the photo essay posts generation which are not markdown files but complex HTML files.